17 Mayıs 2012 Perşembe

Causes of Joint Pain

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Causes of Joint Pain

As per the United States Bone and Joint Decade, 1 out of 7 people in America, suffers from some or the other type of joint pain. Joint pain puts restriction on the movements of an individual, thus affecting his active life. Here are some causes of joint pain.

Proper functioning of joints is necessary because each of our movement makes use of some or the other joint in the body. Joint dysfunction can put a lot of restriction on our day-to-day life. Joint pain or arthritis has taken the form of a major health issue all over the world. Obesity is the primary cause of premature joint pain. Although, the causes of joint pain vary, the discomfort associated with each type of joint pain is the same.

Over the years our joints tend to degenerate due to excessive usage. This results in weakening of muscles, tendons and the cartilage. The synovial fluid that cushions the joints also run out. This makes the movement of the joint extremely uncomfortable and painful. Although, elderly people are the victims of joint pain, it is not unusual to find young people suffering from this disorder as well. The major causes of untimely joint pain are obesity and sedentary lifestyle. Besides, there are several causes of joint pain that must be taken into account while treating joint pain.


As mentioned above, obesity is one of the primary causes of joint pain. Every one pound gain in weight results in additional four pounds of load on the joints. This is sufficient to understand how much stress we put on our joints. Naturally, those who are overweight subject their joints to tremendous stress, resulting in early wear and tear of the muscles, cartilage and tendons in that area.


Hereditary is also a cause of joint pain in a few cases. If your family medical history reflects poor joint function, you should take proactive measures to avoid joint pain. Knowing that you are prone to joint pain, improves your chances of evading joint pain by taking precautionary measures, and it also helps the doctor to begin the corresponding joint pain treatment.

Repeated Stress Injury (RSI)

Repeated stress injury arises due to overuse of a certain joint for a long period. Athletes and other sports persons are susceptible to this form of joint injury. These people have to put a lot of stress on a particular joint, resulting into its untimely wearing. RSI can also be termed as an occupational hazard as many occupations require you to put stress on the same joint everyday.


Injuries such as sprains and fractures which may appear minor at first, can damage the joint in the long run. Such injuries, though occurred in childhood, weaken the joints, but the effects become evident only in later life.

Improper Workouts

This is a common cause of joint pain. Most people are so enthusiastic about beginning their exercise regimen, that they forget to follow a proper routine required for safe and effective exercising. Starting exercises without warming up, prolonged weight lifting or other strenuous forms of exercise also weakens the joint. This may also result in dislocation of the joint.

Incorrect Posture and Wrong Footwear

Incorrect posture often leads to unnecessary stress on the joints. If your work requires you to sit or stand for a very long time, then doing so with an incorrect posture may lead to joint pain in the long run. Wearing wrong kind of footwear all the time accelerates the chances of joint pain. High heels for daily use, wrong kind of shoes for jogging or running can definitely lead to joint pain.

Weak Auto Immune System and Lack of Nutrition

Weak immune system fails in regenerating the proper functioning of immune system. Also, certain nutrients are required for the regeneration of muscles and cartilage and production of the synovial fluid. If your diet fails to provide these nutrients, then joint discomfort may arise.

The only way to avoid or cure joint pain is by maintaining an active lifestyle. Exercises should be done in moderation and using the correct techniques only. Consuming the prescribed arthritis diet also helps to overcome joint pain.

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