7 Temmuz 2012 Cumartesi

13 Must-Haves for a Good First-Aid Kit

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In our fast-paced world, we could hurt ourselves while doing even the simplest tasks. Being trained in first-aid but not having a kit around would be quite pointless. A simple first-aid kit can be put together and kept at an easily accessible place in your house, work place, your handbag or even in the car. Tell a friend or someone in your family about your kit, in case there is ever a need where you need to be administered first-aid.

You could buy a commercially available kit or you could also assemble one to make sure the contents are carefully selected by you. A few essentials are:

• Band-aids, water-proof and the normal cloth ones. Keep a strip of 10-12 at any given point.
• Bandages, they are bigger than band-aids and help tie up bigger wounds or even to wrap around your arm or leg.
• An anti-pain balm, in case there is a muscle pull or a body-ache that you need to take care of.
• Couple of rolls of gauze, to tie up bandages or even cover a wound.
• An antiseptic cream, for small cuts, rashes and bruises.
• A disinfectant solution is always handy while cleaning an injury.
• A pair of scissors to cut band-aids or gauze.
• A pair of tweezers, in case you need to remove small thorns or glass pieces.
• A cream to treat burns either due to too much sun or a fire.
• Clean napkins and cotton swabs, to wipe or pat dry an injury. Or even to wipe a little child's tears.
• A small bottle of clean water, in case you need to wipe something off and are a little away from a tap.
• A pair of gloves so that you do not touch blood with naked hands, you cannot put yourself in trouble while helping others.
• A thermometer, just in case temperatures rise or fall due to the injury.

Make sure you keep a tab on the expiry dates for everything in your kit, the last thing you want to do is administer dated medication to an injured person. Try not to keep any kind of tablets or pills, you may never know about a person's medical allergies or reactions. If your kit is going to be for the house, you could add a few tablets keeping in mind what your family members are allergic to.

A first-aid kit can be altered according to where it will be used. The one for the house could have a host of other things added. The one for the playground, workplace or the one in your car could have a completely different set of things altogether.

In case you are taking a large group of people outdoors, your first-aid kit should be equipped to tackle more serious injuries such as snake or insect bites, sprains or fractures or even breathing problems. A good, clean first-aid kit is essential for first-aid training. You just never know when you need to use your training.

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