22 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi

Jambolan fruit extracts for Diabetes support

Jambolan Cumini as otherwise it is a well known result known in India for control of diabetes. However, many do not know your blood sugar or glucose control properties of Jambolan. Jambolan is known by many names and is a favorite fruit of many animals. It has been mentioned in Ayurveda is one of the largest fruit Jambolan ever.

Jambolan historically been used for non-diabetic diseases, but in the 16th century was discovered by one of the most important Ayurvedic scholars seeds have anti-diabetic properties. Since then not only traditional medicine, modern science also began in the concentration of glucose in the blood or properties of blood sugar control. Ayurvedic scholar mentions three types of varieties Jambolan. However, only one survived. The leaves, bark and seeds are the most useful parts in which the seeds are popular for their antidiabetic properties. In traditional Ayurvedic medicine used to help Jambolan thirst, diarrhea, and in healing wounds. The most important ingredient of the antidiabetic effect shown, jamboline (a chemical) in the seeds.

In my practice of Ayurveda, this is how I used Jambolan

  • Dried seeds powder three times a day at one gram each dose will help to reduce the high blood sugars, in addition, it  helps to reduce the insulin dose too
  • Two grams of dried seeds powder will reduce polyuria of any cause.
  • Dried seeds powder at one gram per day will help to reduce irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Both seeds and leaves improve uterine function.
  • Regular intake of fruits for 2-3 months help to heal bleeding hemorrhoids.
  • The fruit rind is helpful in alleviating liver enlargement.
  • Seeds decoction with honey prevents thirst and fatigue due to physical strain.
  • One of the best detoxifying agents when combined with certain herbs. ( I observed this very much)
  • Seeds decoction has anti septic activity.
  • Fruits reduce excessive salivation.
Fruit pulp per 100 gm has following constituents…

Trace elements     4%

Calcium               15 mg

Phosphorus         15 mg

Iron                    12 mg

Vitamin C            18 mg     

Modern science has focused on Jambolan’s blood sugar or blood glucose properties. Helmstädter A.  a well known professor from Philipps-University, Marburg, Germany mentioned that in pre insulin era Jambolan was used to have wide acceptance as an adjuvant therapy for diabetes type II. Later, like many medicinal herbs it has gone into the dark. As per his observations, up to 30% in glucose reduction can be expected from Jambolan seeds. The unique phenomenon in Jambolan seeds is that the main ingredient jamboline a chemical alone would not exhibit anti diabetic property. With the catalytic activity and association with other inorganic or inactive substances in the seed, it exhibits the anti diabetic activity.

Modern science does not have a broad vision on herbs and their actual properties. It observes in its own way rather than understanding the nature’s principles where, the real benefits and effects of herbs are missing. Certain herbs never exhibit their efficacy in the absence of associated inorganic materials. The best example is Jambolan. Though it has good anti diabetic activities, the current extraction processes are destrying the therapeutic activity as this burns out most of the organic materials.

In my experience, I suggest my patients to eat the jambolan fruits, which certainly help to enhance the insulin activity and sensitivity. In addition, seeds powder can be taken as an adjuvant both for type II diabetes, insulin dependent or non-insulin dependent. The real fact of my observation is that Jambolan showed its effectiveness in preventing or postponing the onset of diabetes. The real benefit is at the stage of IFG (Impaired fasting glucose) which can be well controlled with jambolan, both with fruit as well as seed powder. Regulation of IFG prevents the early onset of diabetes and further conditions. Each herb has its own mode of action in diabetes, at various stages. The cumulative and rational combination of these herbs certainly would help for safe diabetes control and prevention. When Jambolan extract is used with conjunction of Gymnema, Bitter Melon, Salacia, Cinnamon, Fenugreek, it makes one an excellent product.

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