27 Haziran 2012 Çarşamba

Beta Decay Example

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Beta Decay Example

If you are looking for some beta decay examples that illustrates this radioactive decay type, this article will be helpful. In this article, I explain the process of beta decay and provide examples of the same.

During the last years of the nineteenth century, some physicists thought that all that had to be discovered in physics had already been discovered and all that remains is consolidation of facts. How wrong they were proved to be when in 1896, Becquerel discovered radioactivity! Radioactivity opened up a Pandora's box of problems related to the microcosm of the atomic nucleus. Subsequent development of the special theory of relativity and quantum physics opened up even bigger problems that would keep physicists busy for more than a century! One of the important findings of Becquerel was the discovery of the three types of radioactive decay, which are alpha decay, beta decay and gamma decay. This article has a clear explanation of the beta decay phenomenon. To better understand this radioactive decay process, I provide beta decay examples to illustrate the point.

What is Beta Decay?

Before I present the beta decay examples, let me explain the phenomenon. Radioactivity occurs due to the instability of atomic nucleus. It is the spontaneous emission of ionizing radiation by atoms of certain elements that have unstable nuclei. Beta decay involves the emission of an electron (e-) or a positron (e+, antiparticle of electron) from an atomic nucleus, causing its transformation into another element. As described there are two types of radioactive decay which involve beta decay (electron emission) and positron decay (positron emission).

Actually in both types of radioactive decay, a neutrino is also emitted along with the beta particles. Neutrinos are neutral particles with very little mass, that travel close to the speed of light. The energy of beta particles emitted varies according to how the energy is shared between them and the emitted neutrinos. That is why, the energy of emitted beta particles varies over a spectrum that extends up to a maximum energy value. Typical energies of beta particles are recorded to be from a few kilo electron volts to around 10 mega electron volts. High energy beta particles are spitted out of the nucleus at relativistic speeds!

In a beta decay reaction involving emission of an electron, an antineutrino is also emitted, while in positron decay, a neutrino is emitted. Prior to sharing beta decay examples with you, let me list the beta decay rules.

Beta Decay Rules

When studied at a deeper level, it was realized that beta decay was a result of proton and neutron decay at the nuclear level. A beta decay involving electron emission (also known as beta minus decay) occurs when a neutron inside the nucleus decays to a proton emitting an electron and an antineutrino. On the other hand, a positron emission (beta plus decay) is the result of a proton decaying into a neutron and it is accompanied by the emission of a neutrino.

Based on these facts, here are the governing beta decay rules, which you can verify through the beta decay examples provided below.

When an electron is emitted by a radioactive nucleus, the resulting transmuted nucleus has an atomic number greater than 1 (as it converts a neutron into a proton), while the atomic weight remains the same

When a positron is emitted, the resulting transmuted nucleus has its atomic number reduced by 1 (as it converts a proton into a neutron), while the atomic weight remains the same.

These rules need to be remembered when solving radioactive decay problems. Let us have a look at some real life beta decay examples and verify the above rules.

Examples of Beta Decay

Here are some beta decay examples that involve electron and positron emission.

137Cs55 -> 137Ba56 + e- + antineutrino

22Na11 -> 22Ne10 + e+ + neutrino

60Co27 -> 60Ni28 + e- + antineutrino

3H1 -> 3He2 + e- + antineutrino

14C6 -> 14N7 + e- + antineutrino

10C6 -> 10B5 + e+ + neutrino

If you have a look at the list of radioactive elements and their decay modes, you will realize that alpha decays are much more likely than beta decays. In some rare cases, a process called double beta decay may also occur, which involves the emission of two beta particles simultaneously.

Hope, these beta decay examples have clarified your understanding of this spontaneous radioactive decay phenomenon. In your physics lab course, you may conduct experiments using a Geiger counter to study beta decay in various radioactive elements.

Colon Cleansing Products - 10 Questions To Ask Before Buying One

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Colon Cleansing Products - 10 Questions To Ask Before Buying One

Are you thinking about purchasing a colon cleansing product? Read this article for 10 must ask questions before you do.

If you've been looking around on the internet for a good quality colon cleanse you've no doubt run across a wide variety of products. With such a selection available it can be difficult to decide which one is best for you to use now.

As someone who has tried 17 different cleanses over the years, I've definitely done a lot of searching too. In my experience I've found that not all cleanses work very well and that some are not even very safe. I've put this article together so that you can benefit from my experience while deciding which one you might like to buy.

Here is a list of the top 10 questions to ask before purchasing any colon cleansing product.

Are all the ingredients used in the product organic? If not, you may be using a product that contains chemicals, fertilizers or pesticides.

If herbs are used - are they fresh? This is important because herbs lose potency over time.

Are there any fillers or other ingredients added to the cleanse in any way? Some cleanses include ingredients that are totally unnecessary.

Does the product include complete instructions for taking the formulas?

Are the instructions easy to follow and very clearly outlined?

Has the product been shown to be safe - as evidenced by people's direct experience?

Does the product cleanse all major organs at the same time - including the liver, kidneys and colon?

Does the product require you to make a monthly purchase? Some cleansing products on the market are set up to work slowly and require several purchases to get the benefits.

Are instructions for following a colon cleansing diet? Diet is key to all kinds of cleansing, so make sure this is in place before purchasing any product.

What kind of follow up and customer service does the product come with? It can be very important to have easy access to customer support during your cleanse in case you have any questions.

Finally, I'd like to invite you back to my website where you can get a look at the 100% natural body cleanse program that I personally use and recommend.

Colon Cleansing Recipes

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Colon Cleansing Recipes

Seeking for colon cleanse recipes can be a little overwhelming as there are so many available. The following article throws some light on some of the best colon cleansing recipes that will help you to get rid of the accumulated waste products in your colon...

A body is considered to be healthy if it is clean and free of unwanted substances, both internally and externally. Since there are many pollutants and toxic substances present in the environment that may enter our body and make our body their home, a person can suffer from various health problems like stomach ache, headache, constipation, etc. The colon is an essential organ in the body that plays a key role in removing these harmful elements. Also termed as the drainage system of the body, it helps in keeping the body free from diseases by improving the body's immune system. As most of the diseases in the body originate in the alimentary canal, colon cleansing is one of the best ways to ensure the healthy functioning of the body.

Colon Cleansing Recipes

The basic principle behind colon cleansing recipes is to have a diet rich in roughage to maintain the cycle of bowel movement and minimize the fat accumulation in the body. The commonly used materials are psyllium husks, flax seeds, fiber powder, bentonite clay, fennel, garlic bulb, ginger rhizome, cayenne pepper, etc.

Recipe #1


1 tsp colofibre

1 tsp bentonite clay liquid

Apple juice

1 tsp psyllium husk seeds

Spring water


In the mixture of apple juice and spring water, add bentonite clay liquid, colofiber and psyllium seeds and blend well till it forms a thick shake. You can also add one tbsp of honey for better taste.

Recipe #2


Egg yolk

3 fresh cucumbers

Red onion

3 tbsp extra virgin oil

1 tsp apple cider vinegar

1 tbsp honey



Slice the cucumbers and red onion into thin pieces. In a bowl, add extra virgin oil, apple cider vinegar, and honey and salt to taste. Blend this mixture well, add salad slices to it and then spread few tsp of egg yolk over it.

Recipe #3


3 cucumbers (seeded and peeled)

2 avocados

Ð… yellow onion (diced)

Ð… tsp lemon juice

3 roasted garlic cloves

2 cups veggie stock

1 jalapeno pepper (seeded)

1 tbsp parsley

1 tbsp cilantro


Mix all the ingredients well and consume at least one to two cups of this raw soup every day for better results.

Colon Cleansing Tips

Here are some basic colon cleansing tips that should be kept in mind before going on a colon cleansing diet.

Drink lots and lots of water in order to keep your body hydrated and skin glowing.

Change your diet and gradually switch to a raw diet containing lots of vegetables like parsley, spinach, celery, cucumber, etc,. and fruits like apple, oranges, bananas, etc.

Herbs like aloe leaf, senna, ginger, cayenne pepper, etc are also highly beneficial for colon cleansing process.

Soups are also very helpful as their anti-fungal properties help in detoxifying the body. They fight toxins and supply energy in a form which can be easily utilized by the body.

For better results, drink the cleansing shake on empty stomach or at least one or two hours before or after eating. Nearly two to three glasses per day are required to be consumed. Don't expect the drink to clean your colon overnight, be patient and give it some time.

The shake may sweep out some of the essential bacteria from your body, therefore take a probiotic everyday to replace the bacteria at least an hour after your last shake.

These natural colon cleansing recipes and tips will help you with myriads of problems including GI problems, gas problems, chronic acne, etc. They not only boost your energy levels but also help you in losing weight. Though colon cleansing requires time and dedication, by following a colon cleansing diet regularly you will surely observe positive and healthy changes in your lifestyle.

Colon Cleansing Several Essential Information

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Colon Cleansing Several Essential Information

That is why, all-natural colon cleaning agents keep on being the initial selection of the majority of health professionals as well as medical practitioners. So you ought to be around the look for colon cleansing solutions that can come while all-natural herbal supplements. When people observed an item useful and nutritious, you could have good reason to choose that. Colon cleansing in essence refers to the full variety of treatments geared towards emancipating the large gut and by extendable the remainder gastro-intestinal area ( space ) of accumulated poisons as well as partly digested waste.

In line with the particular double mother nature connected with points, there exists equally the upside as well as a disadvantage in colon cleansing. Hence the choice whether or not you aren't to help undergo the actual colon cleansing, since without a doubt many key choices in your life, has to be preceded with a cost-benefit evaluation; the place that the similar to constructive colon cleanse outcomes of your choice tend to be acessed resistant to the probable negative connection between a similar. Primarily subsequently, once we look at the actual cost-benefit evaluation intended for colon cleansing we are not exploring the fiscal cost of the method just (even though that will be regarded far too), but the whole variety of potential benefits associated with colon cleansing vis a vis the possibility risks/side connection between the treatment. The potential advantages of colon cleansing, how the users from the method provide seeing that assures (in addition to which often the majority of people who may have been subject to the treatment before confirm truly having got), include things like: greater vitality (lifted energy in your body), ecological fat loss, improved protection versus illnesses and so forth: many incredibly remarkably interesting things to the aware person.

The actual 'more intrusive' kinds of colon-cleansing, that involve insertion of assorted instruments in the colon in order to nudge out the fecal matter as well as waste that will colon cleansing seeks to be able to rid the system of, for instance, come with the risk of colon cleanse the large intestinal tract or another the main gastro-intestinal tract; together with serious consequences towards the sufferer.

Furthermore, based on core dieticians, utilization of un-sterilized as well as very poor sterilized devices in colon-cleansing could possibly show anyone going through the procedure to various attacks. Colon cleansing, based on their experts, in addition incorporates potential risk of distorting the fragile balance associated with bacterias inside gastro-intestinal pathway, with horrible effects towards individual considering the treatment ever since the 'good bacteria' (otherwise known as 'pro-bacteria') which are homeowner inside the tummy enjoy very an indispensable part from the digestion of meals.

Thus at the end for the day, we have colon cleanse benefits the two emotions with the professional colon-cleansing camp out, intended for the benefits of the task; plus the greetings in the stop colon cleansing camping inside mainstream health care area, pertaining to the potential risks on the course of action. Now considering the fact that condition involving wellbeing many people are in, plus the possible pitfalls in the treatment (keeping in mind that will my way through lifetime has an chance), to view whether they is going intended for colon cleansing or not.

The likely benefits of colon cleansing for them since point out of wellness many people transpire.

Colon Health: Things You Need to Know

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Colon Health: Things You Need to Know

It is very essential to know and understand deeply the function of our colon for us to be able to take necessary measures to protect and maintain its health. Water conservation and evacuation of body's waste products are said to be the ultimate functions of the colon. A human waste can be composed of impacted fecal material, dead cells, worms or even parasites.

If these wastes would stay in the body for a long span of time, it would lead to various problems that we would really not want to happen hence, there is a great need for us to detoxify our colon from all these wastes that we have identified.

Colon cleansing is one beneficial breakthrough that has indeed enhanced colon health in various ways. Actually, there are lots of measures you could take for you to be able to cleanse your colon and one of which is to take natural supplements that are scientifically made and formulated for the said purpose. Enemas and diet changes are also effective means to detoxify your colon. If you opt to modify your diet, you have to increase your intake of foods that has high fiber content because fiber could aide in the evacuation of your body's waste products.

You need to have a good grasp about your colon for you to be able to choose the right measures on how to maintain it clean and healthy. There are signs and signals that you need to observe to prompt you with the necessity of cleaning your colon already. Some of these signals include diarrhea, irritability, head ache, back pain, bad breath, weakness and bloating. When these signs are observed, necessary interventions should be employed to prevent further problems from occurring.

Colon cleansing, without any doubt, is beneficial to our health. Various medical conditions could be prevented by just cleansing you colon habitually. Some of the health benefits that you can get would include: enhancing the immune system, boosting energy levels thus preventing fatigue, blood pressure and cholesterol regulation. With all these benefits, I could not see any reason for you not to take good care of your colon. Act now before things get more complicated.

Roselah Varde is a competent writer who writes articles about colon health. She has been writing content for sites such as this to share her expertise in colon health with others.

25 Haziran 2012 Pazartesi

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Your Questions About Printers

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Mary asks…More proof evolution is a hoax?!?IF, as evolutionists claim, the earth is billions of years old, and mankind has evolved from a lower and simpler form of life, then why has mankind gone from writing upon stones to laser printers in just the past 3,500 years? When God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, they were written upon stone. It is abundantly clear that the Egyptians carved messages into stone (hieroglyphics). So why is it that mankind has only discovered better inventions in

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Rainbow E2 Series

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Rainbow E2 Type

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Tips On How Puncture Proof Tyres Might Come To Save The Day

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When you've got a job to perform the last thing you want to worry about is a failing of some type related to your gear. Of course we all know that from time to time some kind of malfunction is inescapable, however it is nonetheless not satisfactory if you have to be productive based on a set schedule. This is often the case when it comes to people belonging to the moving industry, or those who're involved with landscape gardening or maybe the construction industry. Here you frequently find that

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24 Haziran 2012 Pazar

Osteoporosis Society Alkalinefoodlist

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Enz - My Store - 2007

Welcome to the shop Enz, his first solo album, released on the label PadBlem who also built a catalog of quality. Then his hand found a world jazz, great as we like, built mostly by Boogie rock and Styx, and Enz captivated our attention with a myriad of topics varied and well treated, a mark of great Mc. A great album then, consistent and coherent among the best in recent years.
Link to this album

Clip: Like other
Track test: Open Mic

Robert Alonzi Attorney

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Recently I met by chance, close to home, a photographer passionate experience of black and white and spirituality. We began a discussion of several hours on photography; to be honest, I listened a lot.

Man is easily accessible and yet boasts of having crossed a few great masters, beginning with Henri Cartier-Bresson. His comments on my small business photography are severe but fair. By dint of frequenting the areas of exchange between lovers on the internet where praise is usually quick and thoughtless, I like to listen to the dissonant voice. This is not masochism, but I already said several months ago (just a year, actually)
hereby if I no longer rising, I stop. And I need to learn not to repeat myself, need to remain critical for me not just what I did.

To learn to compose, to better calibrate my black and white, to do more attention to the background, I took my rangefinder 24x36 and I started to walk in my town, quite simply. With lots of doubts but also determination. And then finally, FINALLY! I walked through the black curtain: you introduced me to the draw.

I show you these few images from my most recent steps in Saint-Nazaire. The pickings are slim and even if I publish them here, believe it or not, I am fully aware of what they are worth and I do not consider them in any way as an outcome, rather as evidence of learning.

Office Of The City Clerk Queens Blvd

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never sleeps

Les apparences ne trompent not. The end of the last film by Oliver Stone, Wall Street - Money Never Sleeps (2010) is not a happy ending. Quite the contrary. Everything seems perfect. The family is reunited. Colleagues smiling. Everyone is seemingly unconcerned with a glass of champagne in hand. And into the arms of Michael Douglas, Gordon Gekko the abominable, his grand-son. A baby. Why does this child have the worst creature horror imposed on the screen long ( The Thing, John Carpenter, 1982)? Because it is the result of an exchange filthy. A bargain between the step-son of Michael Douglas, Shia LaBeouf, and this great character, series, fiction, Gordon Gekko: You can become a grandfather, see your grand-son, provided you make what you have taken your daughter (100 million). The result of this bargaining is a monster in the arms of one who, for Oliver Stone must embody evil. Suddenly, Gordon Gekko was a horrible descendant, worse than him because endeavored since its conception by an original sin which is to mix the sentimental, intimate with the laws of haggling. This second episode is much more damning than the first. It is, if you will, much as it critical n'épingle not a system but our hearts.
But the film is not as clear as Oliver Stone has always was a little blue flower, a little heavy, a bit awkward, a bit lazy and when he criticizes the United States, film after film, we do not really believe. We know he loves his country more than anything, celebs, money. This is understandable. We too would love that ... It is soft and it is also a bit vulgar. See the scene of his latest film when the two golden boys of New York spanning their Ducati Oliver Stone filmed his machine and those who straddle with evident pleasure. How not to sell? How not to love these engines purring in the middle of beautiful forests? How not to love the vulgarity? How not to sell to a happy ending even if it is monstrous?
Rémy Russotto

Stomach Noises More Condition_symptoms

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Panacea - Ink Is My Drink - 2006

beatmaker Composed of K-Murdock and MC Raw Poetic, Panacea is one of those groups that brought hip-hop vibe to the light of the Native Tongues, we find these jazzy sound, seasoned with a world and a good air condition of mind at the mic. Short but beautiful, this album is a very good introduction to the group. Note that this album is also the symbol of resurrection, a short but welcome, Rawkus, one more reason to worship.
Link to this album

clip: Starlite
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Pacome Thiellement

Henri Michaux wrote itself. Its massive consumption of psychotropic drugs and, far from disturbing his writing, causing errors grammar and writing do wrong, far short of the push to play inspired him to write properly. Drugs never had an unpleasant effect on his writing, making it illegible, incoherent, deciduous. Instead, its unusual effects pushed her to write more rigor and clarity. Henri Michaux was not writing under the influence of drugs but because of them. He used their forces to establish a poetic incantation grammatically rigorous, clear and precise. It is the same for David Lynch. It is the same for Pacome Thiellement.
David Lynch's films are often considered incomprehensible suffering from a lack of logic, riddled with bullets irrational, beyond reason. In his essay on the series Twin Peaks , The left hand of David Lynch (Presses Universitaires de France, 2010) , Pacome Thiellement lets us finally see the opposite. It makes clear that, since Lost Highway, was no longer any doubt that behind the apparent irrationality of the creations of David Lynch shines an unwavering rationality, poetically rigorous, carefully controlled mechanisms. His creations are defined and each of its elements are explained rationally. Pacome Thiellement shows us what has made the series Twin Peaks , what is the poetic. His tour de force, as was the case in its previous tests (see especially the beautiful Man Electrical and Eskimo Economy: the dream of Frank Zappa ), is how to explain the modus operandi d a work, in this case what remains arguably the greatest television series, to release the strike force. Interpreting does not reduce but open possibilities. Pacome Thiellement is that, beset by personal obsessions beautiful, has a technical interpretation limpid, clear and fine. It also releases the potential of its own obsessions, developing beauty. Poetics emerges, one book after another.
Rémy Russotto

23 Haziran 2012 Cumartesi

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New Book Claims to Chronicle Facebook's Fratty Antics + MORE

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Someone Stole a Lot of Expensive Jewelry from Bergdorf Goodman Last Night

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Here's a Photo of Lightning Striking the Empire State Building Yesterday

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Bain Capital Horror Stories Continue to Haunt Mitt Romney's Campaign

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21 Haziran 2012 Perşembe

Places In Indiana To Buy Troy Ounces Of Silver

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Square Two or three portraits of St. Nazaire winter

was last January, during a walk in Vannes, in Brittany. I found Benoit, Yann Lucas for an exit "Medium Format" and a friendly creperie. I had to shoulder mon Bronica C et le beau Zenzanon MC 80mm f/2.8 "by Carl Zeiss Jena".

Kodak TMax 400 Ilford Ilfotec LC29
Some players arrived on this blog by searching on the Bronica, especially those in the first period: Bronica S, S2, S2A, C and EC, EC-TL and EC-Thiers. These boxes are Bronica S mount (later, from the 80s, this will mount the SQ) and take a range of Nikkor lenses and Zenzanon fabulous, not to mention a few Komura and Carl Zeiss as the arch-confidential Flektogon 50 / 4, Jena Sonnar 180/2.8 and 80/2.8 shown above.

Over time, I used an S2, an EC-Thiers and I still have
currently the simplest model of the range, dating from 60. The Bronica C is indeed a version of "student" of the S2 in that it does not have interchangeable backs. But it can wear the same optics and the same accessories: bellows macro lens viewfinder, cell ...
I used most Nikkor lenses and Zenzanon:-D Nikkor 40 / 4, Nikkor-H 50/3.5, 75/2.8 Nikkor-P Nikkor -Q 135/3.5, Zenzanon MC 40 / 4, Zenzanon MC 50/2.8, 75/2.8 Zenzanon MC, Zenzanon MC 80/2.4, 80/2.8 Zenzanon MC, Zenzanon 100/2.8 ...

Zenzanon I found the range in a second time. I thought that Bronica had produced in-house to save money, but it seems that most Zenzanon were produced by Konica, the Japanese famous optician. Bronica has never built its optics.
The MC 80mm f/2.8 Zenzanon "by Carl Zeiss Jena" is the gem of the system Bronica S. To develop this goal, the German optician would simply repeated the formula of the 80mm f/2.8 Biometar designed for the Pentacon Six. The two goals are similar and their signature is quite similar in sharpness, bokeh turning slightly to PO and color rendition. F/5.6 used in portrait, it is difficult to distinguish from Carl Zeiss Planar 80mm f/2.8 equipping the Rolleiflex.

Bronica S2 + Zenzanon MC 80/2.8 "by CZ Jena DDR " first and only use the Polaroid back, a very rare accessory

Funny Anniversary Card Ideas

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Praise of Love Baby

Why do we look at movies? To fall in love. To fall in love again and again, until fainting beauty. We often vanished before movies. Those that cause us so many emotions are known, however. But we prefer to believe she still ignored - and they continue to smile for us. They are ten, but in reality they are a thousand, ten thousand, to infinity.

Jérôme Dittmar

1. Audrey Hepburn 2. Ava Gardner 3. Monica Vitti 4. Meiko Kaji 5. Kim Novak 6. Cyd Charisse 7. Ingrid Bergman 8. Barbara Stanwyck 9. Maggie Cheung 10. Gene Tierney

Rémy Russotto

1. Kim Novak 2. Meiko Kaji 3. Marilyn Monroe 4. Ava Gardner 5. Delphine Seyrig 6. Jenna Jameson 7. Natalie Portman 8. Veronica Lake 9. Rita Hayworth 10. Monica Vitti

Laurent de Sutter

1. Monica Vitti 2. Maggie Cheung 3. Laetita Casta 4. Veronica Lake 5. Natalie Portman 6. Aria Giovanni 7. Thandie Newton 8. Rita Hayworth 9. Julia Ormond 10. Eve Marie-Saint

Jérôme Dittmar, Rémy Russotto, Laurent de Sutter

Non-hodgkins Lymphoma More Condition_symptoms

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I do not know not dial-24x36: I see squares everywhere. I try to get better but it is not yet conclusive. When I take a portrait in 24x36, it still stands in a square of 24x24, and the last third of the photo behind by accident.
For a landscape format rectangle should appear to me more natural, more dynamic. But it is not. Or rather I do not care about the drive, because the photos that I like the most are often very front. I prefer the depth of field compared to the prospect and I prefer to focus on context as on the frame.
I prefer the depth of field from the perspective ...
... and I prefer to focus on context as on the frame.
Bronica 100mm f/2.8 C + Zenzanon Ilford HP5 + & ILFOTEC LC29 Cape Freels, August 2010
The two photos above clearly illustrate my difficulty to refer to pictorial art academic. I'm probably more influenced by the small and big screen.
In the first picture, I should make the point at infinity, but I choose to take stock of the road. What matters to me, when I took this photo, not the scenery: I know in advance that I will not make it. What matters more is to be there to see the landscape at this time. Then I focus the image on the precise moment when I'm in the middle of this beautiful landscape on this "being there". I make the point very close to me because I try to capture my impression, my state. This subjectivity is like a film camera on his shoulder. The soundtrack is not the silence of nature at sunrise, it is no two photographers on a wooden path and into the cold breath of an August morning.
In the second picture, I watched the scene for a while until everything clicks into place. With the aim reversed, the boat is resting on the rocks placed at the bottom right of my viewfinder. This is my anchor to dial the rest of the image. When the boat approach and that man Dock is preparing to go, I can tell a story. The sky is probably too empty, the rows of boats are not highlighted at best. But it happened like that, and I prefer the background to the framing. I sit in a chair and look through the lens, as does the TV with indiscretion.

Snyder American Legacy Annuity

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Zenzanon and Nikkor: the standard optical

In a recent post , I've made the apology and its C Bronica MC 80mm f/2.8 Zenzanon "by Carl Zeiss Jena. Believe it or not: it triggered around me (forum, Flickr ...) desires of Bronica ... and heard comments on the Carl Zeiss.

I wanted to fix this. First, because a purely mechanical device, it is never a time exposure. No need to buy a Bronica for a proper exposure time, normally. Then because if the Carl Zeiss are very well made, they are certainly not alone in Bronica mount.

The proof images with two other focal standard Bronica: the widely-P Nikkor 75mm f/2.8, and its cousin the late Zenzanon MC 75mm f/2.8. Also in the same type of use, I fear, that is to say mainly black and white portrait.

A very common configuration in: Used Bronica S2 +-P Nikkor 75/2.8
Bronica EC-Thiers-Nikkor + P 75/2.8
Bronica C + MC 75/2.8 Zenzanon
It's not just Carl Zeiss in life ... Bronica C + MC 75/2.8 Zenzanon
I dare a crime that will make you scream behind your screens: a landscape in color, with a film of entry! ! Shocking!
Bronica C + MC 75/2.8 Zenzanon Fuji Superia 400
system Bronica S lasted quite years. As such, numerous standard lenses have been produced, with their differences. They change names, anti-reflection optical formula and sometimes original. These include:
-P Nikkor 75mm f/2.8 Nikkor -PC 75mm f/2.8 75mm f/2.8 Nikkor-HC Zenzanon MC 75mm f/2.8 MC 80mm f/2.4 Zenzanon MC 80mm f/2.8 Zenzanon "by Carl Zeiss Jena" Zenzanon 100mm f / 2.8 105mm f/3.5 Nikkor-Q central shutter
products by Nikon Nikkor (first time), possibly produced by Konica Zenzanon (2nd time). Between the two periods, an exception occurred with few copies by Carl Zeiss Jena. Marked "MC" indicates some Zenzanon obviously Multi-Coating, anti-glare more elaborate than those of the first Nikkor time. The catalog was saddled with the Bronica S-P Nikkor 75/2.8 from wide angle Nikkor-H 50/3.5 portrait lens and Nikkor-Q 135/3.5. For Nikon, the letter after "Nikkor" indicates the number of lenses in the optical formula. The "C" indicates a special anti-glare.
The Nikkor-P, first in the series, has a single-layer anti-reflective color purple. As such, it provides some nice shadows well detailed but its front lens is prone to flare, despite its position far behind the target block. The blur is not smooth and progressive but rather severe, with an effect turning open.
Among Zenzanon, note two rarities: the Zenzanon MC 80/2.4 is to my knowledge the goal at the brighter after the legendary 6x6 format Noritar 80 / 2 of 66 Norita * . This is very good in NB but it is particularly distinguished in color. The opening to f/2.4, very frankly, does not a significant comfort everyday but it produces a beautiful blur, quite milky. The Zenzanon 100/2.8 is probably in this frame my favorite lens. I used more frequently than the Carl Zeiss 80/2.8 because that picture, the focal length of 100mm seems a good choice. It is very sharp and as good in color or NB.
Well, NOW you can all rush to eBay to find a Bronica! Ha ha ... :) A further reading on the origins of Bronica: Mr Zenza's Rolls Royce !
Spend a happy festive season! * Update Jan 2011: j 've recently discovered the Planar 100 / 2 available in Hasselblad 2000fc mount (without shutter. Central)

What's The Origin Of Vicodin

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Pacome Thiellement

Henri Michaux wrote itself. Its massive consumption of psychotropic drugs and, far from disturbing his writing, causing errors grammar and writing do wrong, far short of the push to play inspired him to write properly. Drugs never had an unpleasant effect on his writing, making it illegible, incoherent, deciduous. Instead, its unusual effects pushed her to write more rigor and clarity. Henri Michaux was not writing under the influence of drugs but because of them. He used their forces to establish a poetic incantation grammatically rigorous, clear and precise. It is the same for David Lynch. It is the same for Pacome Thiellement.
David Lynch's films are often considered incomprehensible suffering from a lack of logic, riddled with bullets irrational, beyond reason. In his essay on the series Twin Peaks , The left hand of David Lynch (Presses Universitaires de France, 2010) , Pacome Thiellement lets us finally see the opposite. It makes clear that, since Lost Highway, was no longer any doubt that behind the apparent irrationality of the creations of David Lynch shines an unwavering rationality, poetically rigorous, carefully controlled mechanisms. His creations are defined and each of its elements are explained rationally. Pacome Thiellement shows us what has made the series Twin Peaks , what is the poetic. His tour de force, as was the case in its previous tests (see especially the beautiful Man Electrical and Eskimo Economy: the dream of Frank Zappa ), is how to explain the modus operandi d a work, in this case what remains arguably the greatest television series, to release the strike force. Interpreting does not reduce but open possibilities. Pacome Thiellement is that, beset by personal obsessions beautiful, has a technical interpretation limpid, clear and fine. It also releases the potential of its own obsessions, developing beauty. Poetics emerges, one book after another.
Rémy Russotto

20 Haziran 2012 Çarşamba

Problems of the Ears

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Many problems and infections can occur in the thin fabric, tiny bones and cartilage, to create the ear. Hearing loss and serious diseases, from the effects of untreated ear infections can be numerous health issues. Even a result of other health issues can be ear pain.

Mastoiditis was one of the leading causes of death of children before the era of antibiotics, according to Medline Plus, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine offered. Although less common, as of 2010, yet difficult to treat mastoiditis is. Symptoms of mastoiditis ear drainage, ear pain, high fever, headache, hearing loss, redness in the ear or behind it and swelling behind the ear, which the cartilage shell stick out can lead. To test mastoiditis, doctors of CT scans of ear or head, skull X-rays or a culture of fluid from your ear can be ordered. The infection of the ear in the mastoid bone in the skull, distributed just behind the ear is located. Injections and oral antibiotics are the normal course of treatment, although part of the mastoid bone or Myringotomy, draining through the eardrum the middle ear removed may be required.
Swimmer's ear
Swimmer's ear is called otitis externa and occurs when water is trapped in the ear. The trapped water from bathing, swimming, or high humidity can bacteria grow and infect the ear, according to the American Academy of Otolaryngology. Swimmer's ear can also be caused by a tear in the ear canal, hair spray and extensive cleaning with cotton bud. People with eczema or Seborrhea diagnosed are rather contract swimmer's ear. Unhandled swimmer's ear can cause hearing loss, recurrent ear infections or bone and cartilage damage. Swimmer's ear symptoms are itching, mild or moderate pain that feels worse when the ear on a blocked or full feeling in the ear, pain in the neck, face, or page which tugged neck head and swollen lymph nodes. Careful cleaning of the ear and ear drops will cure swimmer's ear.
Ruptured eardrum
A ruptured eardrum is a hole or tear in the eardrum, a thin tissue that separates the ear canal of the middle ear, according to Mayo Clinic. Within a few weeks the eardrum often even without treatment, will heal sometimes surgical repair is required. Sharp or sudden earache that is disappearing fast, ear discharge, hearing loss and dizziness are symptoms of a ruptured eardrum. Tears in the eardrum can loud explosions like shot are caused by pressure of fluids from an infection of the middle ear, weapon, a significant difference of pressure in the ear against outside of ear and severe head trauma. A ruptured eardrum can partial or full hearing loss and leaves the middle ear is susceptible to infections.