13 Haziran 2012 Çarşamba

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I put the Christmas period used to read several books of photographs, most of which were offered to me. One of them is the exhibition catalog Willy Ronis held in Paris last summer as a tribute to the photographer disappeared Sept. 11, 2009.

Lots of pictures circulating around Willy Ronis, who has yet blackened many pages to explain, telling his life, his work and his images. I had already talked
of his book that day appeared in the Folio collection. A popular perception is that Ronis was not paying close attention to camera equipment and that, moreover, he used the same camera throughout his life, or can from it. Reading the texts collected here is almost the opposite! First, because Willy grew up and worked in the magazine photo of his father, and as such he was offered his first camera before his first violin (his mother taught piano). Secondly, because, taking the case (bad) from his father in 1936, or 23 years, Willy Ronis was forced to liquidate the store a few years later but is keeping multiple devices ranging from 8x10 to folding Zeiss Ikonta.

later acquired a Rolleiflex Ronis, then a second and uses both for his pictures "on the fly" in the street, posed for portraits of friends and celebrities and for his orders, weddings reports, etc.. Many of you know the next episode: the purchase of a telemetry system of French manufacture, the Foca. And later the Canon SLR system, still in 24x36.

No need to explain the interest
I found the following passage ... or nervousness that ensued, in which I am still as I write these lines instead of going to go to sleep ...

" end of 1954. A milestone. Repeatedly hustled, and Chim * and Cartier-Bresson, I give up on 6 x 6 for a small format. My photos do not become better, but I acquire by force rigor of the composition plate full (or nearly so) much more intellectually satisfying. With the 6 x 6, I did not use once in a hundred the entire square format. My camera fixed lens regularly forced me to trim both in height or width, or even on all four sides. Basically, I did even after it was mutilated. The decision was hard to take (incorrigibly sentimental). During the past decade, and for two years before the war, my Rollei allowed me to survive, and not me alone. But once that step, I forgot (I
the forgot because I had a second for color since 1946) and I never served more than two or three times for fashion, in the studio Vogue .
I had three cases, five goals. It was a joy as great as the day of my 12 years, when my father gave me my first Meccano.
Willy Ronis, quoted in
A poetics of engagement , exhibition catalog Jeu de Paume / Paris Mint 2010
* nickname David Seymour, a friend of Willy Ronis and co-founder of Magnum
with Robert Capa and Henri Cartier-Bresson (Didier thank you for the correction of 03/01/2011) .

Mutilating, 6 x 6 of the Rollei? Grrr, I heard it, but ...
July 2009 Rolleiflex 2.8E Planar HP5 + & Rodinal Agfa
I wish you the best possible photos for the year 2 o 1 1 starts. Indulge between the four edges and beyond, the formats vary all you want but do not Trim your desire to photograph ...

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