21 Haziran 2012 Perşembe

Places In Indiana To Buy Troy Ounces Of Silver

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Square Two or three portraits of St. Nazaire winter

was last January, during a walk in Vannes, in Brittany. I found Benoit, Yann Lucas for an exit "Medium Format" and a friendly creperie. I had to shoulder mon Bronica C et le beau Zenzanon MC 80mm f/2.8 "by Carl Zeiss Jena".

Kodak TMax 400 Ilford Ilfotec LC29
Some players arrived on this blog by searching on the Bronica, especially those in the first period: Bronica S, S2, S2A, C and EC, EC-TL and EC-Thiers. These boxes are Bronica S mount (later, from the 80s, this will mount the SQ) and take a range of Nikkor lenses and Zenzanon fabulous, not to mention a few Komura and Carl Zeiss as the arch-confidential Flektogon 50 / 4, Jena Sonnar 180/2.8 and 80/2.8 shown above.

Over time, I used an S2, an EC-Thiers and I still have
currently the simplest model of the range, dating from 60. The Bronica C is indeed a version of "student" of the S2 in that it does not have interchangeable backs. But it can wear the same optics and the same accessories: bellows macro lens viewfinder, cell ...
I used most Nikkor lenses and Zenzanon:-D Nikkor 40 / 4, Nikkor-H 50/3.5, 75/2.8 Nikkor-P Nikkor -Q 135/3.5, Zenzanon MC 40 / 4, Zenzanon MC 50/2.8, 75/2.8 Zenzanon MC, Zenzanon MC 80/2.4, 80/2.8 Zenzanon MC, Zenzanon 100/2.8 ...

Zenzanon I found the range in a second time. I thought that Bronica had produced in-house to save money, but it seems that most Zenzanon were produced by Konica, the Japanese famous optician. Bronica has never built its optics.
The MC 80mm f/2.8 Zenzanon "by Carl Zeiss Jena" is the gem of the system Bronica S. To develop this goal, the German optician would simply repeated the formula of the 80mm f/2.8 Biometar designed for the Pentacon Six. The two goals are similar and their signature is quite similar in sharpness, bokeh turning slightly to PO and color rendition. F/5.6 used in portrait, it is difficult to distinguish from Carl Zeiss Planar 80mm f/2.8 equipping the Rolleiflex.

Bronica S2 + Zenzanon MC 80/2.8 "by CZ Jena DDR " first and only use the Polaroid back, a very rare accessory

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